Your... So Fat Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Your... So Fat Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Your... So Fat Jokes

Yo daddy so fat he wore a gray shirt to the zoo, they thought the elephants escaped.

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Yo daddy so fat when he goes camping, the bears hide THEIR food.

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Yo daddy so fat when God said “let there be light”, he asked him to move out of the way.

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Yo sister so fat she has two watches, one for each time zone she’s in.

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Yo sister so fat that when she took a selfie, Instagram crashed.

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Your sister is so fat her Apple Watch is an iPad Pro on a rope.

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Yo sister so fat she’s the reason London Bridge is falling down.

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Yo sister so fat the only way she burns calories is when her food catches on fire.

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Yo daddy so fat when he went to school, he sat next to everybody.

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Yo mama so fat she needs a CDL to drive her wheelchair.

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Yo momma is so fat when she jumped in the ocean the whales started singing “We are family ...”

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Yo mama so fat her preferred pronoun is they.

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Yo Mama so fat when she was approaching the McDonald’s they closed due to an earthquake.

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Yo mama so fat when she jumped people got an earthquake alert on their phones.

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Yo mamma so fat when she went on a diet she ended world hunger.

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Yo mama is so fat a bus hit her and she said “a mosquito”.

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Your Momma is so fat she takes her picture with Google Earth.

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Your mama is so fat that she took geometry at the school because she heard there would be some pi.

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Yo mama so fat, she sweats butter and syrup, and has a full time job at Denny’s wiping pancakes across her forehead.

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Yo mama so fat when I saw her on Tinder, swiped left and she was still on the screen.

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Yo mama so fat NASA thought she was a planet.

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Yo mama so fat her belt is the equator.

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Yo mama so fat every time she took a step it caused an earthquake.

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Yo mama so fat every time she turns around it’s her birthday.

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Yo mama so fat Donald Trump used her as the border wall.

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Yo mama so fat she wakes up on both sides of the bed.

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Yo mama so fat when she sat on the iPod she made the iPad!

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Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise.

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Yo mama so fat her blood type is Nutella.

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Yo mama so fat she fed an entire zombie apocalypse.

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Yo mama so fat Cupid’s arrows couldn’t pierce her.

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Yo mama so fat the horse on her polo shirt is real.

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Yo mama so fat when she wears her yellow raincoat people yell out “taxi!”.

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Yo mama so fat her school pictures were taken by a satellite.

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Yo mama so fat she uses the highway as a slip and slide.

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Yo mama so fat not even Superman can lift her.

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Yo mama so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it’s still printing.

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Yo mama so fat when she sat on a dollar bill she squeezed a booger out of George Washington’s nose.

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Yo mama so fat she left the house in high heels and when she came back she had on flip flops.

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Your mama so fat she sat on a dollar and when she got up there were 4 quarters.

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Your mama so fat when she gets on the scale it says “to be continued”.

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Your mama so fat she gets group insurance!

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Your mama so fat a picture of her would fall off the wall!

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Yo mama’s so fat when she fell I didn’t laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.

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Yo mama is so fat that the National Weather Service names each of her farts.

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Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, “I need your weight, not your phone number.”

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Yo momma so fat she can’t reach her back pocket.

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Yo mama so fat when she died she broke the stairway to heaven.

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Yo mama’s so fat I swerved to miss her in my car and ran out of gas.

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