Star Trek Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Star Trek Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Star Trek Jokes

I can’t decide if I want to watch the original Star Trek of The Next Generation.

I guess you could say I’m stuck between a Spock and a Picard place.

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A stormtrooper and a redshirt are in a room.

The stormtrooper shoots the redshirt, but misses every shot.

The redshirt dies anyway.

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I had to break up with my girlfriend, she doesn’t like Star Trek.

I told her I need some space.

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I’m a bipolar Star Trek fan.

I just went to the hospital to have my dilithium level checked.

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My wife said she would divorce me if I kept quoting Star Trek.

So I said, β€œNumber Two, make it so!”

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Star Trek fans always expect a gift when going to a convention.

They call it the enter prize.

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I used to confuse Star Wars with Star Trek.

It was a Wookie mistake.

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My libertarian neighbor posted a newspaper ad selling his collection of Star Trek ships.

And here I thought he believed in free Enterprise.

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What do all Star Trek captains have in common?

They all have three ears.

A left ear.

A right ear.

And a final frontier.

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Where do you keep your badge at a Star Trek convention?

On a Lanyard Nimoy.

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Star Trek characters make the worst sports fans.

They always root for the away team.

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