Roast Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Roast Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Roast Jokes

My overweight boss asked me to roast him at his retirement party.

I told him that as a lifelong Muslim, I was forbidden from consuming pork.

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β€œThe neighbors hate us.”


β€œWell, you remember when we had that bonfire in my yard, and were roasting marshmallows?”

β€œYeah, that was really fun.”

β€œAnd remember how the house up the road caught fire, and all those fire engines came, and we ran to see what was going on, and the wife was crying in her husband’s arms, and how everyone looked at us funny?”

β€œYeah, I remember! I wondered what we’d done...”

β€œWe were still holding our marshmallow sticks...”

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What do you call a line of people gathered to roast Justin Bieber?


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I roasted a chicken for dinner tonight.

I told it that it was so ugly it could be a turkey and that it laid horrible eggs.

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What does Enya season her roast potatoes with?

Only Thyme.

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Did you hear about that cannibal who was arrested for making a pot roast outta their great-grandmother?

It was an old family recipe.

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It’s hotter than a fat kid at a Weenie Roast.

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Why didn’t the roast chicken cross the road?

It didn’t have the guts anymore.

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When do franks tell insults?

At a wienie roast.

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