Ocean Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Ocean Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Ocean Jokes

Why did the guy panic and call 911 when he realized an ocean was forming around him?

It was an emergent sea.

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Why is the ocean always blue?

Because the shore never waves back.

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The ocean was feeling blue.

So I told her to sea the brighter side.

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She’s feeling so blue.

She might as well be called the ocean.

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I told my boss I was feeling blue, so he painted my office the color of the ocean. Now I’m working in a sea of tranquility.

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What did the sky say to the ocean?

Nothing, they just had a blue period together.

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Why did the new Little Mermaid actress have to be someone without any cosmetic enhancements?

Because there is enough plastic in the ocean already.

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A physicist, a biologist, and a chemist take a vacation to the ocean.

The physicist was fascinated by the waves, so he walked into the oceanΒ to do some research on the fluid dynamics of the waves. Obviously, he was drowned and never returned.

The biologist wanted to research the amazing flora and fauna of the ocean, so he walked into the water as well.Β He, too, never returned.

The chemist thought for a while, then noted in his lab notebook:

The physicist and the biologist are soluble in ocean water.

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What do you get when you throw lettuce into the ocean?

I don’t know, lettuce sea.

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One fine day, brave Captain Smith and his crew of sailors were sailing the ocean blue.

Suddenly, on the horizon, there loomed a ship with a skull and crossbones raised on the mast.

The crew was frantic, seeking refuge and asking the captain what to do.

Brave Captain Smith looked at the approaching ship for a moment and said, β€œBring me my red shirt.”

The call was taken up at once by a cabin boy. As soon as Captain Smith had the shirt in his possession, he ordered the man at the wheel to head straight for the pirate ship. In the ensuing fight, the pirate ship was all but destroyed.

The sailors were recounting their individual triumphs afterward when someone asked Captain Smith why he had asked for his red shirt before the battle.

He responded, β€œIf I was wounded, I did not want your confidence to wane. This way, you would keep fighting no matter what happened to me.”

The crew had a newfound admiration for its captain, and they talked all night about his bravery.

About a week later, there loomed on the horizon 10 pirate ships. Once again, the crew looked to its captain for leadership. Calmly, Captain Smith said, β€œBoys, bring me my brown pants!”

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What do you call a sea of hot dogs?

Frank Ocean.

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Guess what type of fish frequents the best reefs in the ocean?

The so-fish-ticated type.

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I was dreaming of an orange ocean tonight. Guess what?

It was a Fanta Sea.

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Why didn't the lifeguard save the hippie from drowning in the ocean?

He was just too far out, man.

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Yo mama so hot when she got into the Arctic Ocean it turned into a hot tub.

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