Moose Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Moose Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Moose Jokes

Which sweet dessert is banned from the menu at the Deer Cafรฉ?

Chocolate Moose.

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Two hunters hired a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose.They bagged six.

As they started loading the plane for the return trip home, the pilot tells them the plane can take only three moose.

The two hunters objected strongly, stating, โ€œLast year we shot six moose and the pilot let us put them all on board and he had the same plane as yours.โ€

Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all six were loaded.

Unfortunately, even on full power, the little plane couldnโ€™t handle the load and went down a few minutes after take off.

Climbing out of the wreck, one hunter asked the other, โ€œAny idea where we are?โ€

He replied, โ€œI think weโ€™re pretty close to where we crashed last year.โ€

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In Canada, you are more likely to die of a kick of a moose than a terrorist attack.

Those damn moose limbs.

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A bear, a wolf, and a moose fall into a trapping pit.

After a couple days with no food, the moose sees the wolf and bear whispering to each other.

The wolf turns to the moose and says, โ€œLook, the bear and I are both carnivores. Itโ€™s been a couple days without food. You understand, right?โ€

The moose says, โ€œYeah, I guess youโ€™re right. But, listen before you kill and eat me, can I just ask for one last request? There is this birthmark under my tail that supposedly looks like a word, but Iโ€™ve never known what it says. Do you think you could take a look and tell me?โ€

The wolf says, โ€œOf course.โ€

So the wolf and bear get close to the back of the moose and lift up his tail. Right at that moment, the moose gets up on his front legs and kicks both the wolf and bear in the chest.

The wolf is killed instantly. The bear is fatally wounded, and with his dying breath says, โ€œI donโ€™t even know why the hell I looked. I canโ€™t even read.โ€

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I told my niece that I saw a moose on the way to work this morning.

She said, โ€œHow do you know he was on his way to work?โ€

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Whatโ€™s the difference between a cow and a moose?

One moos, the other moose.

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Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

They couldnโ€™t get the moose in the oven!

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