July Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected July Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

July Jokes

What are a school teacher’s three favorite words?

June, July, and August.

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July 1st is International Reggae Day.

This is the day I dread.

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Knock! Knock!

β€œWho’s there?”


β€œJuly, who?”

β€œJuly’d to me when you said you didn’t eat my ice cream!”

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How are rioters like school in July?

No class.

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What do gymnasts use to season their food in June, July, and August?


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What do you call it when someone says it’s June in July?


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It is hotter than a bake sale on the Fourth of July.

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This is ridiculous. It’s July 6th and people are still setting off fireworks.

One almost caught our Christmas decorations on fire.

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How do you know the Fourth of July is an American holiday?

Because everybody says β€œStay Safe”.

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What do you call a nuke that was launched on the 4th of July?

The wrong firework.

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After the 4th of July fireworks caused finger injuries, what did the friends say?

Nothing, they couldn’t count on me.

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On 4 July, what do you get when you put a photo of America in a locket?

Then it becomes in-da-pendant.

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Which bakery should you go to on the Fourth of July?

The one that sells pastries with stars and stripes. The rest are just un-pastry-otic.

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Me and my childhood crush are marrying next year.

Hers is in February and mine in July.

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