Clean Dad Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Clean Dad Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Clean Dad Jokes

Why do β€œtug” boats push their barges?

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

Do you know what really floats my boat?

Surface tension.

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Why did the rapper shave off his fancy mustache?

It couldn’t handle the bars.

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Why do onions have poor self-image?

Because people cry when they get onions naked.

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What does Muslim Sonic say when Ramadan begins?

β€œGotta go fast!”

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Why should you never race a Muslim during Ramadan?

They fast during Ramadan.

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Why did the daddy peach teach the child peach to shave?

He was starting to grow peach fuzz.

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How do you make holy water?

By boiling the hell out of it.

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Did you hear about the little grape who didn’t want to be made into wine?

Unfortunately, he was pressed into service.

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Baking and Fire Safety can go hand-in-hand. Stop, drop, and roll.

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What do you get when you put Cola in an oven?

Baking soda.

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Where do bowlers go when they need a new team shirt?

New Jersey.

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What excuse did the bowler give when he was accused of stealing?

β€œI was framed!”

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Bowlers do not make good employees.

This is because 80% of the time, they are always going on strike.

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The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy.

So it’s italicized!

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Why don’t they sell GPSs in Italy?

Because all the roads lead to Rome.

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On our hike yesterday, my partner wouldn’t let me take home any volcanic rocks.

And to be honest, I’m still a little basalty over it.

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Why did the quarterback suddenly walk off the field?

The coach told him to take a hike.

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Why did the eyeglasses walk into the classroom quietly?

They didn’t want to make a spectacle.

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I had to give up my glasses after they started causing more drama than a pair of celebrity spectacles.

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I broke my glasses and couldn’t see anything.

But then I realized it was just a broken spectacle illusion.

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The glasses on the table were feeling neglected, so I gave them a spectacle of attention.

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I didn’t wear my glasses to the party because I wanted to make a spectacle of myself.

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Why was the glasses so expensive?

Because they were designer spectacles.

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My father quietly retired from his job as an eyeglass manufacturer yesterday.

He didn’t want to make a spectacle.

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The high school music teacher was controversial for having his students read band books.

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A physics student asks his teacher, β€œCan you point me to someone who can teach me a way in which quantum mechanics can be united with general relativity?”

The teacher answers, β€œLet me see if I can pull some strings for you.”

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Why did the baseball player decide to shut down his website?

It just wasn’t getting any hits.

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Where did the Pilgrims stand after landing on Plymouth Rock?

On their feet.

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Don’t ever attend Thanksgiving with a group of comedians.

They’ll never stop roasting the turkey.

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My family asked me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes.

I told them I couldn’t stop cold turkey.

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What would mothers most like to make on Thanksgiving dinner?

Good restaurant reservations.

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Why couldn’t the Thanksgiving entertainment band perform?

Somebody had eaten the drumsticks.

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What smells the best at dinner on Thanksgiving?

The family dog’s nose.

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What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?

The turkey trot.

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In what country is Thanksgiving ironically not celebrated?


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At Thanksgiving, my brother tried to carve the turkey with a grapefruit spoon.

He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?

The letter G.

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Last Thanksgiving, my mother told me, β€œIf your brothers start arguing, don’t take sides.”

Sure enough, they yelled at each other and I could only have turkey.

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A girlfriend said to his boyfriend, β€œWe need a gravy boat because we’re hosting Thanksgiving this year.”

The boyfriend replied, β€œIn that case, we should get some gravy life jackets too.”

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When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

In a dictionary.

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Did you know that some say their favorite Thanksgiving food is pie?

It’s irrational.

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Remember the guy who used to be addicted to Thanksgiving leftovers?

He had to quit cold turkey.

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What can never be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner?

Thanksgiving breakfast.

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A poet writes in verse.

A backwards poet writes inverse.

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I’m a poet and I know it.

β€œI dug,

You dug,

He dug,

She dug,

We all dug!”

It’s not a great poem, but it’s deep.

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I used to own a raven. It could speak English.

But the only word it could speak was β€œcar”.

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If you ate both pasta and antipasto, would you still be hungry?

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How is it possible to have a civil war?

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Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

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What can you find in both medieval English castles and American art museums?

Norman Rock Wells.

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Why did Julius Caesar never say thank you to anyone?

He didn’t speak English.

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What do you call a realistic prankster?

A practical joker.

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April Fools’ Day is the favorite holiday of which animal?

The silly goose!

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What is a prankster’s favorite toy?

Silly String.

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Why does Batman hate April Fools’ Day?

Because the Joker might be out!

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Why do scientists suck at pulling pranks on April 1st?

They lack the element of surprise.

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I ordered that new auto part for you.

It’s Honda way.

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What has 10 letters and starts with G-A-S?Β 


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What would you callΒ Israel if it disappeared away?


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Picked up a set of 20 Disney shorts on vinyl for only $30.

To be honest, though, I think they’d chafe less in cotton.

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Why do MMA fighters wear skin tight shorts?

Because otherwise, they’d be boxers.

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I prefer to read poetry in braille for some reason.

I just really feel the words a lot more.

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Why doesn’t an owl study for a test?

They prefer to wing it.

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I’m reading a romance book in Braille.Β I don’t think I’ll finish.

It’s too touchy-feely for me.

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Their romance started by candlelight.

But it only lasted a wick.

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What was the trickiest question on a diabetes website?

It asked if I would accept cookies.

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How does a broken ankle apologize?

β€œI’m sorry for being such a stumbling block.”

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What did one broken ankle say to the other?

β€œLet’s stay positive and get back on our feet!”

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I asked a window cleaner if he liked his job.

He said he could see himself doing windows every day.

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If you were to clean a vacuum, would you be a vacuum cleaner?

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When you clean a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.

So if I show someone a shower, do I become a shower?

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I have a joke about the flu...

But I hope you don’t get it.

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Why did the flu virus go to the theater?

It heard the play was infectious.

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Why did the flu go to the art exhibit?

It heard there was a lot of culture there.

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Why don’t flu viruses use social media?

They prefer going viral in person.

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Why did the influenza virus break up with its girlfriend?

She was too cold to him.

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Did you hear that the pope got the bird flu?

Apparently he got it from a cardinal.

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I can’t imagine the stress put on the workers in trying to figure out the newest flu vaccine...

It probably puts a strain on the staff.

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What is an Indian’s favorite place to be?


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911 operator:Β β€œ911, what’s your emergency?”

Me: β€œHi, I need to report a kidnapping. My son is taking a nap in my room right now.”

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What did the emergency dispatcher say when they were asked if they worked indoors or outdoors?

β€œ911 is an inside job.”

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I got really badΒ sunburnΒ after falling asleep on my stomach at the beach.

I wanted emergency medical attention, but 911 never returned my call.

I guess they put it on the back burner.

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A surgeon was about to perform heart surgery when he received notice that the replacement was delivered to his house!

Home is where the heart is.

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Why did the pianist have to be rushed into surgery after his latest performance?

He played his heart out.

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I’m gonna quit my job on a submarine.

I’m under a lot of pressure.

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I tried to make a wooden submarine.

It didn’t go down so well.

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Did you hear about the submarine industry?

It really took a dive...

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How advanced are the inner workings of a submarine?

It goes very deep.

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Why is it so expensive to run a submarine?

It’s the depth charges.

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What color are military submarines?

Deep navy.

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Who was the fastest runner in the race?

Adam, because he was first in the human race.

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How did the roofing company become so successful?

They nailed it.

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I took a roofing class in college.

But all the content went right over my head.

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My roofing business is having a great promotion right now.

If you buy one roof, the next one is on the house.

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When he was ten years old Warren Buffett called 911 to report a car had been in an accident near his local grocery store.

It was his first experience with a market crash.

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Why won’t my motorbike run?

Because it’s two tired.

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Why did the nun become an archaeologist?

She had a knack for digging up old habits.

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Why do nuns always wear black and white?

No particular reason, it’s just a habit they have.

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Why does it take so long for a nun to get her clothes?

It takes 21 days to make a habit.

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I try to avoid making nun jokes, but it’s a farce of habit.

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I met a nun that wiped her nose on her clothes.

She had a nasty habit.

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Why was the burger sad?

Because he had the blue cheese.

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When you find a blue strawberry, try to cheer it up.

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Why was red in awe of orange?

Because orange blue green.

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Did you hear about the color bomb?

Yeah, it blue up.

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My sister was diagnosed as color-blind.

The revelation really came out of the blue.

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I read a joke about colors once.

It blue my mind.

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Blue jeans are immortal.

They never die, they just fade away.

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I was surprised that although I was supposed to be feeling blue, my heart was not that heavy.

Perhaps, I am feeling light blue.

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I was under the blues.

So I had to blue my nose occasionally.

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What do you call cheese that is sad?

Blue cheese.

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Once I tried to paint the sky, but I blue it.

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It’s easy to spot a sad flamingo.

They get really blue.

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What’s the coldest fish in the sea?

A blue whale.

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Why is the ocean always blue?

Because the shore never waves back.

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Red ship hits blue ship...

Sailors marooned.

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What did the dolphin say to the blue whale?

β€œCheer up!”

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What is red, white, and blue?

A sad candy cane.

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What bird is blue and is great at taking a bath?

A scrub jay.

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I couldn’t help but feel blue when I spilled my blueberry smoothie all over my shirt.

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We’re feeling so blue.

We used to be the Blue Man Group.

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I went to a party in blue shoes.

But everyone said it was a blue-sy idea.

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The blue cheese thought he was the king.

But he was just a cheesy guy.

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The ocean was feeling blue.

So I told her to sea the brighter side.

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She’s feeling so blue.

She might as well be called the ocean.

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Did you hear about the sky that fell?

It turned the whole world blue.

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Why do blue people make bad singers?

They’re always feeling blue.

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Why did the blue paint cross the road?

To get to the other hue.

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Did you hear about the blue pencil who broke up with his girlfriend?

He decided to draw the line.

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I’m feeling blue today, so I decided to paint my room blue.

I guess you could say it’s a shade of blue situation.

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The baby blue eyes were coldly warm.

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The sky was a cheerful shade of melancholy blue.

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His true blue loyalty was betrayed by his green envy.

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I heard about a blue whale who was feeling down.

It was a huge ordeal.

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I asked my friend what he was doing to stay happy in his job.

And he said he was always searching for blue skies.

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I was feeling blue once, so I went outside to walk it off.

Instead, I got struck by blue lightning.

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My boss told me that work might be a little blue today.

But I didn’t know that meant the copiers were taking the day off.

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I heard about a blue tick hound who was feeling down.

His bark was way worse than his bite.

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People always ask why I’m feeling blue.

I just tell them I’m still waiting for my prince charming to come riding in on a blue motorbike.

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My coworker said that being blue is in his blood.

I asked him if he had been bitten by a smurf.

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My friend said he was going to start a feeling-blue club, but I declined.

I’m more of an upbeat kind of person.

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I told my boss I was feeling blue, so he painted my office the color of the ocean. Now I’m working in a sea of tranquility.

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The party was a blue-ribbon event.

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Why do blueberries make bad employees?

They always end up getting the blues.

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Why did the blue-faced man get lost?

He was feeling blue and couldn’t find his way.

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What did the sky say to the ocean?

Nothing, they just had a blue period together.

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What did the blue crayon say to the red crayon?

β€œHey, pal, want to blue me away?”

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Why did the Smurfs kick Papa Smurf out of their village?

He was giving them all the blues.

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I hate it when my blue jeans fade.

They’re not feeling so blue anymore.

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Did you hear about the sad blueberry?

It was feeling blue.

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Did you hear about the blue alien that landed on Earth?

He had an out of this world.

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What did the blue paint say to the red paint when they met?

β€œYou’re looking rosy!”

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What’s a blue shoe?

A shoe with the blues.

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What did one blue eye say to the other?

Between us, something smells.

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What did the blue paint brush say to the red paint brush?

β€œI blue you away.”

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Why did the blue-colored fruit hide?

It was feeling blue.

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What’s a sad shade of blue?


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What do you call a sad little blue planet?

A gloom.

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What’s blue and smells like red paint?

Blue paint.

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What did the blue tie say to the little red dress?

β€œYou go ahead, I’ll just hang around.”

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Why don’t sharks like to eat blue whales?

Because they’re all blubber and no beef.

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Why was the hip bone so calm during surgery?

Because it knew everything would be alright.

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When the rapper needed surgery, he got a hip-hop replacement.

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What’s a hipster’s favorite type of surgery?

A hip replacement.

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What’s a hip replacement’s favorite type ofΒ music?


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How does a hip replacement like to relax?

By taking a jointΒ vacation.

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Why did the hip surgery patient bring a suit to the hospital?

Because he wanted to be hip and dapper during recovery.

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What did one hip replacement say to the other?

β€œYou crack me up!”

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A bar which does hip replacement operations recently opened near to me.

Critics are saying it’s the new hip place to be.

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My grandma got a hip replacement.

My new grandma is a 24-year-old barista and an aspiring artist.

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How does Uranus stay clean?

It takes meteor showers.

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Why was Uranus sad at the solar system party?

It felt left out of the loop.

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Ever heard of the planet party?

Uranus was the star, always the center of attraction.

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I met a comedian who specializes in Uranus jokes.

Suffice to say, their humor was out of this world.

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I asked Uranus if it knows any good planet jokes.

It replied, β€œSorry, they’re just not my atmosphere.”

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Why did the planet Uranus join a band?

It wanted to planet self in rhythm.

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Uranus’ puns are my favorite kind of humor.

They’re truly universal.

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I’m never afraid to make a Uranus pun.

They’re always out of this world.

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I’m not afraid to crack a joke about Uranus.

It’s a gas!

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What did Uranus say to its moon?

β€œYou have the right to remain in orbit, anything you say will be taken out of context!”

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What’s the favorite genre of music on Uranus?

Space Opera.

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What did the other planets say to Uranus when it was feeling sad?

β€œCheer up, life’s just a gas!”

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Why did Uranus become a rock star?

Because it’s always surrounded by gas.

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Why is Uranus so good at baseball?

Because it has a great orbit!

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What did Uranus say to Earth?

β€œYou’re always following me around. Give me some space!”

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Why did Uranus go on a diet?

Because it wanted to be a little lighter and have that celestial glow!

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Uranus has a real flair for fashion.

It always rocks the planet look!

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You’ll never hear Uranus complain.

Because it’s got a good atmosphere about it.

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My teacher told me I couldn’t make a joke about Uranus in class.

But hey, it’s my orbit!

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When Uranus threw a party, everyone was over the moon!

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I tried to tell a joke about Uranus.

But I couldn’t planet right.

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Did you hear about the comedy show on Uranus?

It was a real gas, but not everyone understood the humor.

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If Uranus was a comedian, it would always crack jokes with a little bit of gas.

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Did you hear about the astronomy professor who was always talking about Uranus?

He was kind of a space case.

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Why did the astronaut bring a joke book to Uranus?

To break the space ice.

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What did the comet say when it visited Uranus?

β€œThis place is a gas!”

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Why did the meteor break up with Uranus?

It felt like it was crashing and burning.

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Why did the astronaut challenge Uranus to a staring contest?

It wanted to see who had the most gravity.

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Why did the alien bring a gift to Uranus?

It wanted to show its appreciation for the atmosphere.

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Why did the asteroid start a podcast with Uranus?

They wanted to rock the airwaves.

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Why did the moon break up with Uranus?

It wanted someone with a brighter personality.

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Why did the astronaut bring a ladder to Uranus?

To reach for the stars.

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What did the comet say to Uranus?

β€œYou’re out of this world!”

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Why did the astronaut go to therapy with Uranus?

It had too many emotional craters.

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Why is Uranus always invited to parties?

It knows how to break the ice.

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What’s Uranus’ favorite accessory?

A gas mask.

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What’s Uranus’ favorite type of humor?

Dark matter jokes.

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How does Uranus apologize?

It says β€œI’m sorry, I need some space”.

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What happens when a waffle gets mad?

It flips.

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My wife has banned me from making any more breakfast puns.

She says if I make anymore, I’m toast.

But my kids keep egging me on.

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Why did the bacon laugh?

Because the egg cracked a yolk!

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What do authors eat for breakfast?

Synonym buns.

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What do snowmenΒ eat for breakfast?

Frosted Flakes.

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What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner!

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Artists know how to draw the line, so you can’t really peer pressure them.

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What do you call the guy who draws pictures of criminal suspects?

A con artist.

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The artist was great.

He could always draw a crowd.

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A man arrived to a gun fight with nothing other than a pencil and paper.

He then proceeded to draw his weapon.

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My family is all worried about my addiction to dot puzzles.

It’s OK though... I know where to draw the line.

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How do elephants bathe?

With their trunks on.

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I’ve seen a meteor shower...

But never seen a meteor take a bath.

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Why should you take a pencil to bed?

To draw the curtains.

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What happened when the pig pen broke?

They had to use the pig pencil.

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Why do pencils shave?

To look sharp.

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What is the definition ofΒ laziness?

The art of taking rest before getting tired. Because prevention is better than cure.

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I’d like to thank everyone who taught me the definition of β€˜many’.

It really means a lot.

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Why did the 30-year-old throw a party with only one candle on the cake?

They didn’t want to set off the fire alarm with all those candles!

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Why did the registeredΒ nurse tiptoe past the medicine room?

Because she didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.

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Which actor is now being quarantined for swine flu?

Kevin Bacon.

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Why did the pig visit the physical therapist’s clinic?

It pulled a hamstring.

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β€œHave you seen our toilet roll?” asked my wife.

β€œDon’t be silly,” I replied. β€œA toilet is a stationary object.”

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What did a brick say to a wall?

β€œI’ve got your back!”

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Concrete and steel had a debate.

It was a hard conversation.

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A cop pulled me over and asked me, β€œWhere were you between 5 and 6?”

I replied, β€œKindergarten.”

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In France, they don’t say β€œI love you”.

Because they don’t speak English there.

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Why do Polish people have ski at the end of their names?

Because they can’t spell toboggan.

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Where is the flu most common?

In cities with high levels of congestion.

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What do you call a skeleton who lays around all day?

Lazy bones.

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What did one ghost say to the other ghost?

Do you believe in people?

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In baseball, Spider-Man likes the outfield because in that position he catches the most flies.

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Which is faster, heat or cold?

Heat, because you can catch a cold.

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What’s the best way to watch a fishing tournament?

By live stream.

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Why did the robot go on vacation?

He needed to recharge his batteries.

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What do you call a cantaloupe in a swimming pool?

A watermelon.

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What do you do if you get rejected for a job at the sunscreen company?


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Guess what horses, donkeys, cows, goats, and sheep all have in common?

They’re all very stable animals.

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What does nitrogen become when the sun comes up?


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Son: β€œDad, can you explain to me what a solar eclipse is?”

Dad: β€œNo sun.”

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Friend 1: β€œMy dog rolled around in the mud all day. How does he smell?”

Friend 2: β€œLike dirt?”

Friend 1: β€œNope, with his nose.”

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If my nose runs, should I catch it?

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What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?

Your nose.

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The thing people overlook most of the time is their noses.

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I was sick and told my mom I had a runny nose.

She told me, β€œYou should tell it to walk instead.”

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The nose was very tired because it kept running.

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My mom got the flu.

She said that it was like her nose went on strike.

I suggested, β€œYou should picket.”

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Yesterday I complimented my dad that he smells good.

He just replied, β€œThat’s because I use both my nostrils.”

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My poor dog doesn’t have a big nose.

That makes him smell terrible.

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What sort of racehorses come out after dark?


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What do you give a dog with a fever?

Mustard because it’s the best thing for a hot dog.

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Little Johnny yells upstairs: β€œDad, there’s a salesman here with a mustache.”

β€œTell him I’ve got one.”

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My wife asked me if I ate the ice cream she had in the freezer.

I told her no. I ate it on the couch.

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β€œWaiter, will my pizza be long?”

β€œNo sir, it will be round!”

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Teacher: β€œTake a seat”.

Student: β€œWhere do you want me to take it to?”

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Why do we paint Easter eggs?

Because it’s easier than trying to wallpaper them!

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The best way to keep a skunk from smelling is to hold its nose.

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Why shouldn’t you pick a green alien for your baseball team?

They’re not ripe yet.

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Customer: β€œWaiter, this food tastes kind of funny.”

Waiter: β€œThen why aren’t you laughing?”

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Why are spiders so smart?

They can find everything on the web.

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What do you call a witch’s garage?

A broom closet.

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What goes β€œOh, Oh, Oh”?

Santa walking backwards!

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Can a dog jump higher than a house?

Well, duh. Houses can’t jump.

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