Jokes About Alcohol

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Alcohol Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Alcohol Jokes

Ralph came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber.

He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where Saint Peter said, “You died in your sleep, Ralph.”

Ralph was stunned, “I’m dead? No, I can’t be! I’ve got too much to live for. Send me back!”

St Peter said, “I’m sorry, but there’s only one way you can go back, and that is as a lesser being—an animal.”

Ralph was devastated, but begs St Peter to send him to a farm near his home.

The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking and pecking the ground.

A rooster strolled past, “So you’re the new hen, huh? How’s your first day here?”

“Not bad,” replied Ralph the hen, “but I have this strange feeling inside, like I’m going to explode.”

“You’re ovulating,” explained the rooster. “Don’t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before!”

“Never,” said Ralph.

“Well, just relax and let it happen,” says the rooster. “It’s no big deal.”

Ralph did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!

Ralph was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He soon laid another egg. His joy was overwhelming.

As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head and heard his wife yell, “RALPH, wake up! You crapped the bed!”

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How many shots can an Irish man handle?

About 10 rounds.

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What kinds of beer makes you urinate vowels?


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Do you know that beer makes you lean?

On walls, toilets, and refrigerators.

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Do you want to know the real reason nobody is buying Corona beer after this pandemic?

They don’t want any cases.

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How does a carpenter order 5 beers?

With 2 hands.

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What’s God’s favorite beer?

Busch Light.

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What is a volleyball player’s favorite drink?

Sets on the Beach.

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Why shouldn’t you hire a volleyball player to be your bartender?

The service may be excellent, but he’ll try to spike all the drinks.

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Preschools and bars have the same rule.

You pee your pants, you go home.

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What do you call a person from Portugal?


What do you call a person from Portugal who hangs out in a pub with a pint in his hand on a match day?


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A monocle walks into a bar.

After a few drinks, he starts to feel pretty good (and a little uncoordinated). He reaches for a cigarette, but the bartender stops him.

“Sorry, buddy, but due to city ordinances we don’t allow smoking in here. You’ll have to step outside to smoke.”

So the monocle hops off the bar stool and grabs his cigarettes to head outside. Meanwhile, a second monocle emerges from the bathroom. They bump into each other as they cross paths and fall to the floor, hopelessly entangled.

They try to get free, but the more they struggle, the more tangled they become. The bartender looks down on this travesty and shakes his head.

“Hey, you two!” he shouts. “Stop making spectacles of yourselves!”

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Little Johnny’s chemistry teacher wanted to teach his class a lesson about the evils of liquor, so he set up an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey, and two worms.

“Now, class. Observe what happens to the two worms,” said the professor, putting the first worm in the glass of water.

The worm in the water moved about, twisting and seemingly unharmed.

He then dropped the second worm in the whiskey glass. It writhed for a moment, then quickly sank to the bottom and died.

“Now kids, what lesson can we derive from this experiment?” he asked.

Little Johnny raised his hand and wisely responded, “Drink whiskey and you won’t get worms!”

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One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

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A man walks into a bar and orders a bottle of whiskey and drinks it all.

Tipsy, he now orders half a bottle of whiskey.

Drunk, he orders a glass of whiskey.

Heavily drunk and in a sorry state, he now orders half a glass of whiskey.

Then he says, “That’s weird. The less I drink, the drunker I get.”

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I quickly learned that the difference between an alcoholic and a drunk.

Is one of them attends meetings.

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An alcoholic is driving home from the bar at 3 am, totally annihilated.

He’s swerving between lanes and gets spotted by a patrol officer, who then pulls him over.

The cop asks the inebriated man where he’s headed at such a late hour.

The drunk replies, “I’m just going to a lecture, officer.”

In disbelief, the officer asks, “Who would be giving a lecture this late?”

The alcoholic replies, “My wife.”

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Johnny is struggling with recovery and, as luck would have it, he is pulled over by a policeman the one time he slips up.

“Sir, I smell alcohol on your breath. Have you been drinking today?”

“Well, officer, you’d be drinking too if you’d just killed your wife.”

“WHAT!? Are you confessing to murder?”

“The handgun is hidden under the seat. Her body, bless her soul, is wrapped in a sheet in the trunk of the car.”

The officer, stunned, handcuffs Johnny and calls for his sergeant.

The sergeant arrives, takes the car keys and opens the trunk.

“There’s no body in here,” he says to the patrolman. “I thought you said there was a homicide?”

He then searches under the seat, “And no gun either.”

The sergeant turns to Johnny for an explanation.

“Gee, I bet he said I was drinking too.”

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Why did the accountant do so well in AA?

He was already a friend of bills.

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Did you hear about the drunk who thought Alcoholics Anonymous meant drinking under an assumed name?

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The barman in the pub looked over at me and said, “Your glass is empty. Fancy another one?”

“Why would I want two empty glasses?” I asked.

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What do you call a drunk medieval poet?


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A cop stops a driver for swerving in and out of lanes on the highway. He directs the man to blow into a breathalyzer.

Man:  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, officer.”

Cop: “What’s the harm?”

Man:  “Because I have asthma. If I blow into that tube, I might have an asthma attack.”

Cop: “All right, we’ll just get a urine sample at the station.”

Man:  “I can’t do that, officer.”

Cop: “What’s the harm?”

Man:  “Because I have diabetes. If I pee in a cup, I might get low blood sugar.”

Cop: “All right, we’ll take a blood sample.”

Man:  “I can’t do that, officer.”

Cop: “What’s the harm?”

Man:  “Because I have hemophilia. I could die if I give blood.”

Cop: “All right, just walk this white line.”

Man:  “I can’t do that, officer.”

Cop: “What’s the harm?”

Man:  “Because I’m drunk.”

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Recently, a routine Yakama police patrol parked outside Pete’s tavern. Late in the evening, the officer noticed a young tribal man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk.

The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing.

After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five vehicles, the man managed to find his car, which he fell into. He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off.

Finally, he started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine dry night), flicked the blinkers on, then off, honked the horn, and then switched on the lights.

He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little, and then remained still for a few more minutes as some more vehicles left.

At last, he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive slowly down the road.

The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and carried out a breathalyzer test.

To his amazement, the breathalyzer indicated no evidence of the man having consumed alcohol at all!

Dumbfounded, the officer said, “I’ll have to ask you to accompany me to the police station, this breathalyzer equipment must be broken.”

“I doubt it,” said the man, “Tonight I’m the designated decoy. Aye!!! Old tribal trick enit!!!”

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One night, after a long evening of drinking, Jim was thrown out of the bar as usual. On his way home, he spotted a nun walking down the road.

After looking at her twice, he ran over and tackled her, then proceeded to beat the living shit out of her.

Some people passing by spotted this and called the police.

As the police were pulling him away in handcuffs, he looked back and shouted, “I thought you’d be tougher than that, Batman!”

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What do you call a nun with a drinking problem?

A bad habit.

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A man was in New York on a business trip and decided to head to a bar for a drink.

Standing outside the bar was a nun holding a tin cup.

As the man threw a few bucks into her cup, the nun launched into a long tirade about the evils of alcohol. She went on and on about how alcohol was tearing apart the fabric of society, how it was the root of all the city’s problems.

Slightly annoyed at having to listen to the nun, the man told her, “Listen, sister, I work hard for my money and sometimes at the end of a long day I like a drink or two. That doesn’t make me a bad person. I have a wife I idolize and two wonderful kids at home. I provide for my family, I volunteer my time to several local service clubs, and I contribute regularly to various charities. Yet you stand here and condemn me just because I drink the occasional glass of scotch!”

The nun was slightly taken aback and replied, “I see your point my son and I apologize if I offended you, but alcohol is such a powerful demon that all who consume it are doomed...”

“Look there you go again,” said the man, “How can you make such a sweeping statement. Have you ever even tried alcohol?”

“Of course not!” gasped the nun, “The evil alcohol has never touched my lips.”

“Do you really think that one glass of booze can change you from a devout nun to some kind of evil degenerate?”

“Well, I really don’t know ...”

“I’ll tell you what, come into the bar with me, and I’ll buy you a drink. One drink. I’ll prove to you that evil is not inside the glass, it’s inside the person.”

“Oh, I could never be seen going into such a den of inequity, it’s out of the question. However, your comment about evil residing in the person rather than the glass is quite intriguing. I must admit you’ve aroused a curiosity in me.”

“Well, let’s go inside and settle this.”

“No, my son, I could never enter such a place... but how about this? Take my tin cup with you and fill it with this scotch you mentioned. Bring it out to me and I’ll try it.”

“You’re on!” said the guy.

The nun removed all the change and handed him the tin cup.

He went into the bar and said to the bartender, “Two scotch on the rocks, and could you put one of them in this tin cup please.”

The bartender sighed and said, “Is that darn “nun” out there again?!”

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The wise old Mother Superior from County Tipperary was dying.

The nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her comfortable. They gave her some warm milk to drink, but she refused it.

One of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen. Remembering a bottle of Irish whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.

Back at Mother Superior’s bed, she held the glass to her lips. Mother Superior drank a little, then a little more. Before they knew it, she had drunk the whole glass down to the last drop.

“Mother”, the nuns pleaded, “Please give us some wisdom before you die.”

She raised herself up in bed with a pious look on her face and said, “Don’t sell that cow.”

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While shopping in a food store, two nuns happened to pass by the beer, wine, and liquor section.

One asked the other if she would like a beer. The second nun answered that, indeed, it would be very nice to have one, but that she would feel uncomfortable purchasing it.

The first nun replied that she would handle it without a problem.

She picked up a six-pack and took it to the cashier.

The cashier was surprised, so the nun said, “This is for washing our hair.”

Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter and put a package of pretzel sticks in the bag with the beer, “The curlers are on me.”

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While I was drunk last night, I was apparently accused of witchcraft.

The next day, I was hung over.

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A husband was addicted to smoking and drinking.

One day, his wife got so angry that she told him, “If you keep on smoking, all of your intestines will fall out.”

Her husband didn’t believe her, so he kept on smoking and drinking, just like he always did.

His wife was determined to prove herself right, so one day she went out early in the morning and bought some big intestines. She stuffed them in her husband’s underwear as he slept.

A short while later, he woke up, let out a huge scream, and then fell silent for the next 30 minutes.

After another 30 minutes of silence, he comes downstairs, sweating profusely. “What happened?” asked the wife.

“You were right! My intestines did come out, but don’t worry, honey, after a lot of work, I finally managed to push them back in.”

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A male driver is pulled over by a cop.

Man: “What’s the problem, officer?”

Cop: “You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone.”

Man: “No sir, I was going 65.”

Wife: “Oh, Harry, you were going 80.”

Cop: “I’m also going to give you a ticket for your broken tail light.”

Man: “Broken tail light? I didn’t know about a broken tail light!”

Wife: “Oh, Harry, you’ve known about that tail light for weeks.”

Cop: “I’m also going to give you a citation for not wearing your seat belt.”

Man: “Oh, I just took it off when you were walking up to the car.”

Wife: “Oh, Harry, you never wear your seat belt.”

Man: “Shut your mouth, woman!”

Cop: “Ma’am, does your husband always talk to you this way?”

Wife: “No, only when he’s drunk.”

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Why do one-legged people like beer?

Because it’s made with hops.

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A teacher walks into a bar with his friends on Teachers’ Day evening and says, “Can I have a beer.”

The barman says, “I don’t know, can you?”

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Where can you find comedians on New Year’s Eve?

Waiting for the punchline.

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New Year’s Eve forecast:

Mostly drunk with a slight chance of passing out.

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What’s the problem with jogging on New Year’s Eve?

The ice falls out of your drinks!

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An Army Staff Sergeant from the 82nd Airborne is driving to Ft Bragg on NC State Highway 24, and a US Marine Lance-Corporal is driving to Camp LeJeune on the same highway, headed in the opposite direction.

In the middle of the night with no other cars on the road they hit each other head-on, airbags deploy and both cars go flying off in different directions.

The Army Sergeant manages to climb out of his car and surveys the damage.

He looks at his twisted car and says, “Man, I am really lucky to be alive!”

Likewise, the Marine Lance-Corporal scrambles out of his car and looks at his wreckage.

He too says to himself, “I can’t believe I survived this wreck!”

The Marine walks over to the Army Sergeant and says, “Hey man, I think this is a sign from God that we should put away our petty differences and live as friends instead of arch rivals.”

The Army Airborne Paratrooper thinks for a moment and says, “You know, you’re absolutely right! We should be friends. Now I’m gonna see what else survived this wreck.”

So the Army Sergeant pops open his trunk and finds a full, unopened bottle of Jack Daniels in a duffel bag, completely intact.

He says to the Marine, “I think this is another sign from God that we should toast to our newfound understanding and friendship.”

The Marine replies, “You’re damn right!” and he grabs the bottle, twists off the cap, and starts sucking down Jack Daniels. After putting away nearly half the bottle the Marine hands it back to the Army Sergeant and says, “Your turn!”

The Army Sergeant twists the cap back on the bottle, hands the bottle to the Marine, and says, “Nahh, I think I’ll wait for the cops to show up.”

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A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink.

“Why of course”, comes the reply.

The first man then asks, “Where are you from?”

“I’m from Scotland”, replies the second man.

The first man responds, “You don’t say, I’m from Scotland too! Let’s have another round to Scotland.”

“Of Course”, replies the second man.

Curious, the first man then asks, “Where in Scotland are you from?”

“Aberdeen”, comes the reply.

“I can’t believe it”, says the first man. “I’m from Aberdeen too! Let’s have another drink to Aberdeen.”

“Of course”, replies the second man.

Curiosity again strikes and the first man asks, “What school did you go to?”

“Saint Andrews”, replies the second man. “I graduated in ’62.”

“This is unbelievable!”, the first man says. “I went to Saint Andrew’s and graduated in ’62, too!”

About that time in comes one of the regulars and sits down at the bar.

“What’s been going on?”, he asks the bartender.

“Nothing much,” replies the bartender. “The MacClyde twins are drunk again.”

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Yesterday I got stuck behind a young girl riding a horse. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get past her. I was tooting my horn, and hanging out the window yelling at her. She still wouldn’t let me past.

There was a guy on a motorcycle behind me and he was waving too.

I was getting so wound up and frustrated. “It’s people like you that cause accidents!” I shouted.

Eventually, I just couldn’t take any more so I looked around to make sure the coast was clear... and then I jumped off the carousel.

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A guy is sitting in a bar and turns to the Asian guy next to him and asks, “Hey, do you know Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Kung Fu or anything like that?”

Offended, the Asian man replies, “What you think that just because I’m Asian, I know martial arts?”

The man replies, “Nah, it’s because you’re drinking my damn bourbon!”

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Friend: “I wasn’t that drunk.

Me: “Dude! You gave a mushroom to a midget and said “Grow Mario! Grow!”.

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If life hands you lemons, break out the tequila!

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It will be 20 years since I last had a drink on the 5th of January.

I drink on all of the other days.

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Don’t you love sitting on the sofa late at night with a glass of wine in your hand?

Until the police come along and kick you out of IKEA.

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Why did Barty Crouch Jr. quit drinking?

Because it was making him Moody.

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A humpback and a peg leg are having drinks in a bar.

When they are quite drunk and the bar closes, they go their ways home. The humpback decides to take the short route through the graveyard.

Suddenly, a little gnome jumps him and cackling, “What is that on your back?!”

The man replies, “Oh, that’s my hump.”

“Give it to me!” the gnome snarls, and he magically grabs the man’s hump.

The next day, the man returns to the bar to tell his peg leg friend how he got magically cured of his hump.

“No more pain, I can walk straight! That gnome gave me my life back!” he yelled.

That night, when the bar closes, the peg leg decides to try his luck too, and takes the route through the graveyard.

Suddenly, a little gnome jumps him and cackling, “What is that on your back?!”

The man blinks and stutters, “Eh... I have nothing in my back, but...”

And the gnome snarls, “Here, I’ve got a spare hump for you!”

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What do root vegetables usually order at a bar?

Ginger beer.

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Judge: “On what grounds do you want a divorce?”

Husband: “My wife is out all night, every night! From bar to bar, almost visits all the bars and pubs in town every day!”

Judge: “You mean to say she’s severely alcoholic and cheats on you every day?”

Husband: “No, she’s out looking for me!”

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My wife came home with four cases of beer, three boxes of wine, two bottles of whiskey and two loaves of bread.

“Are we expecting guests?” I asked.

“No,” she replied.

“Then why did you buy so much bread?”

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Bison Theory

A herd of bison can only move as fast as the slowest bison, much like the brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells.

The slowest bison are the sick and weak so they die off first, making it possible for the herd to move at a faster pace. Like the bison, the weak, slow brain cells are the ones that are killed off by excessive beer drinking and socializing, making the brain operate faster.

The moral of the story: Drink more beer, it will make you smarter.

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A teacher told her young class to ask their parents for a family story with a moral at the end of it, and to return the next day to tell their stories.

In the classroom the next day, Joe gave his example first, “My dad is a farmer and we have chickens. One day we were taking lots of eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the truck when we hit a big bump in the road; the basket fell off the seat and all the eggs broke. The moral of the story is not to put all your eggs in one basket.”

“Very good,” said the teacher.

Next, Mary said, “We are farmers too. We had twenty eggs waiting to hatch, but when they did we only got ten chicks. The moral of this story is not to count your chickens before they’re hatched.”

“Very good,” said the teacher again, very pleased with the response so far.

Next it was Barney’s turn to tell his story, “My dad told me this story about my Aunt Karen. Aunt Karen was a flight engineer in the war and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a bottle of whisky, a machine gun and a machete.”

“Go on,” said the teacher, intrigued.

“Aunt Karen drank the whisky on the way down to prepare herself; then she landed right in the middle of a hundred enemy soldiers. She killed seventy of them with the machine gun until she ran out of bullets. Then she killed twenty more with the machete till the blade broke. And then she killed the last ten with her bare hands.”

“Good heavens,” said the horrified teacher, “What did your father say was the moral of that frightening story?”

“Stay away from Aunt Karen when she’s been drinking.”

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Alcohol is a perfect solvent.

It dissolves marriages, families and careers.

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What do alcoholics and chemists have in common?

They both view alcohol as a solution.

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An alcoholic wakes up in jail on New Year’s Eve.

He asks the first police officer he sees, “Why am I here?”

“For drinking,” replies the officer.

“Great,” says the man, “When do we start?”

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Alcoholics don’t run in my family.

But sometimes they fall down the stairs.

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“Hi, my name is Bob, and I’m an alcoholic.”

“Sir, this is Triple A, not Alcoholics Anonymous.”

“I know, I’m just trying to explain why my car is in a lake.”

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If you drink too much alcohol you are an alcoholic.

If you drink too much Fanta, does that make you Fantastic?

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Two friends are walking their dogs together. One has a big black lab, while the other has a minuscule chihuahua.

They pass a bar and the lab owner says, “Let’s get a beer.”

The chihuahua walker complains, “That would be great, but we can’t take our dogs in there.”

The first responds, “Watch me.”

The lab owner strolls in with her dog and orders a beer.

The bartender tells her, “Sorry, you can’t bring your dog in here.”

“He’s my seeing-eye dog,” the woman replies, feigning offense.

The bartender quickly apologizes and serves her the beer.

The other woman follows, her chihuahua in tow, and orders a beer as well.

Again the bartender says there are no dogs allowed in the bar.

“He’s my seeing-eye dog,” the woman replies.

“Yeah, right,” the bartender says, “A chihuahua? Give me a break.”

Without missing a beat, the woman replies, “They gave me a chihuahua?!”

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“Alcohol may intensify the effects of this medication”

I never know if this is a warning or a suggestion...

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A man walks into a bar sporting the worst haircut you’ve ever seen.

“Give me two shots of Jack Daniels,” he says to the bartender. “One for me, and one for you.”

“You know, I don’t drink on the job,” the bartender says, pouring the man a shot.

Downing the drink, the man replies, “And that’s why I like you better than my barber!”

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What do you call a mushroom that goes into a bar and buys drinks for everyone all night long?

Fun-gi to be around!

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Priest: “Don’t drink too much liquor. You will go to hell.”

Alcoholic: “Really? What about the guy who sells the liquor?”

Priest: “He will also go to hell.”

Alcoholic: “OK, what about the girl who sells Al Pastor tacos, and puts them out in the food truck outside the Liquor Store?”

Priest: “She too will go to hell.”

Alcoholic: “In that case, I have no problem going to hell.”

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A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car.

After looking the man over he says, “Sir, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking?”

The man gets really annoyed and says, “Officer, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?”

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A horse walks into a bar.

The bartender says, “Hey.”

The horse said, “Nah, just beer, please. I just ate.”

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Every Friday a guy would walk into a bar and order 3 beers.

Then he’d sit at a table, drink each one by himself and leave.

He does this every Friday for a few weeks until the bartender becomes so curious he has to ask the guy about this routine.

“Well, you see I have two buddies and we always would have a beer with each other when we were together. But now they’ve both moved to different parts of the country.

We still keep up the tradition, where we’re at, and have just one beer for each of us on Friday nights.”

His curiosity satisfied the bartender goes back to serving his other customers.

This goes on for several months until one day the guy comes in and orders only 2 beers.

Seeing how sad the fellow is the bartender brings him his 2 beers and offers condolences for his loss.

Confused the guy asks why the bartender was offering condolences.

“It’s just that since you normally order 3 beers, but tonight you only ordered 2, I just figured something must have happened to one of your buddies.”

“Oh no, we’re all just fine. It’s just that it’s Lent and I gave up drinking till Easter.”

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Reverend Clive Morgan was completing his homily in St John’s Church about the dangers of alcohol and the need for moderation and temperance.

He announced at the end of the sermon in a loud, clear voice, “If I had all the beer in the world, I’d take it and throw it into the river.”  

With even greater emphasis he added, “And if I had all the wine in the world, I’d take it and throw it into the river.”

Finally, he intoned in an extremely serious manner, “And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I’d take it and throw it into the river.”

The Reverend Morgan then sat down.

Jerry, St John’s leading chorister stood up and announced with a smile, “For our closing hymn this Sunday, let us sing together hymn number 109: Shall We Gather at the River.”

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Me: “What’s the Wi-Fi password?”

Bartender: “You need to buy a drink first.”

Me: “OK, I’ll have a Coke.”

Bartender: “Three dollars.”

Me: “There you go. So what’s the Wi‑Fi password?”

Bartender: “You need to buy a drink first. No spaces, all lowercase.”

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