30th Birthday Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected 30th Birthday Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

30th Birthday Jokes

Why did the 30-year-old throw a party with only one candle on the cake?

They didn’t want to set off the fire alarm with all those candles!

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Remember when staying up all night was fun in your 20s?

At 30, staying up all night means you have insomnia.

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Here’s to being 30! Where a night of drinking requires more recovery time than minor surgery.

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Nothing changes when you cross thirty, except that you have to replace your moisturizer with anti-aging cream.

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How did the 30-year-old gardener celebrate their birthday?

By receiving a thirtree as a gift!

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How did the 30-year-old marathon runner celebrate their birthday?

By going the extra mile!

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What did the 30-year-old computer engineer say on his birthday?

β€œI’m just a byte older.”

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Happy 30th, the age where society expects us to have our life together, but we’re still figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet.

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Congratulations! You’ve reached the perfect age where you can still party like you’re 21, but recover like you’re 80.

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As long, you don’t have kids, your 30s are like your 20s, but with money.

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